Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This documentation describes the Echo IQ Platform & EchoSolv APIs.
Disease analysis results generated by EchoSolv must be used in conjunction with clinical end user documentation.
When submitting a study to the Create Assessment endpoint, over 120 measurements can be provided as part of the assessment. You can provide as many or as few as are available. The more measurements provided increase the chance of a more accurate result.
If the measurement is out of range or of a wrong unit type it will be ignored, and an appropriate validation warning will be attached to the assessment. The assessment will still run. A handful of measurements are required to ensure a result is produced for certain disease types:
Measurements can be provided in multiple unit types allowed for that measurement type. The service will automatically convert the measurement to the listed standard unit type.
The full list of allowed measurements, unit types and ranges are described as part of the Create Assessment endpoint.
The age_recorded_at_echo
will be calculated if not provided, based on the study_time
the patient_date_of_birth
The following measurement types are calculated values. If they are provided as part of the create assessment call, the service will use these. If they are not provided, but can be calculated based on other provided values, the service will calculate these automatically.
Guidelines checks for Severe Aortic Stenosis will be conducted when any of the following values are provided:
If any of the clinical guidelines for these measures are met the patient will be reported as having met guidelines for Severe AS.
Note: A conclusive result for guidelines cannot be guaranteed unless all of the above are provided, the guidelines result will therefore report as inconclusive. If all measures are provided and guidelines can be confirmed to having not been met, the guidelines test will report as false.
AI probability checks for Severe Aortic Stenosis will be conducted based on all provided measurements, however at a minimum for the test to run, the following measures must be provided:
Note 1: body_height
and body_weight
will be accepted in place of body_surface_area
if it is not available. In
this scenario the service will calculate body_surface_area
Note 2: AI probability results will only be returned when regulatory approval for the organisations region has been received or the Organisation is part of an approved clinical trial.
Guidelines checks for Chronic Mitral Regurgitation will be conducted when at least one of the following (group 1) values are provided, non-zero and within min/max range:
AND one of the following (group 2) values are provided, non-zero and within min/max range:
Guidelines checks for Diastolic Dysfunction will be conducted when at least one of the following values are provided, non-zero and within min/max range:
Guidelines checks for Heart Failure will be conducted when left_ventricular_ejection_fraction_hierarchy
is present and
Depending on the value of left_ventricular_ejection_fraction_hierarchy
, further check will be conducted when at least
of the following values are provided, non-zero and within min/max range:
or left_ventricular_mass_index_m_mode
To interact with the api you will need an access token. Access tokens relate to a specific user and organisation, or just an organisation.
Access tokens are issued from within the Echo IQ Application.
User level access tokens can be created by a user. Organisation level tokens (generally used for integrations) can be generated by organisation admins.
The access token must be passed in the Authorization header for each request.
API errors will be presented in a JSON format with a single message element describing the error. HTTP Status codes are used to provide further context on the error. Errors are described in detail with each request in this documentation.
The API provides the ability to filter lists using special query parameters.
Filter options
Example list filter options response
"overall_status": [
"overall_risk": [
"patient_name": [
"Kathleen Leonard",
"Jane Smith"
"patient_id": [
"sonographer": [
"Priscilla Kohler",
"Rafael Zemlak"
"reader": [
"Dr Feeney",
"Dr Graham"
"study_id": [
"detections": [
"upload_id": [
Certain columns in each list can be filtered. To retrieve an object detailing which columns can be filtered and the
unique values for that column pass in the query parameter options=true
This will return a list of unique possible filter values for each column like the example. This number of filter values displayed is capped at 20.
Getting more precise filter options
A more targetted list of filter options can be retrieved for each columns by passing in the query parameter optionSearch-fieldName=xxx, where fieldName is the field you wish to lookup, and xxx is the value you wish to search for.
e.g. ?options=true&optionSearch-reader=feen
on the above example would return only Dr Feeney in the options
Applying filters
To apply filters to the actual results list you must pass in a comma separated list of whole values as a query parameter
in the format filter-fieldName=yyyy
. Where fieldName is the field you wish to apply the filter too, and yyyy is a
comma separated list of values you wish to filter for.
Multiple fields can be filtered on at the same time.
e.g. ?filter-study_id=STUD1234,STUD456&filter-overall_risk=2,1
List sorting
List can be sorted by setting the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
orderBy | The name of the field you wish to sort by |
order | One of asc or desc (ascending or descending). Default = asc. Ascending Dates are sorted oldest first with most recent last. Numbers are sorted smallest first with highest last. Same rules for the alphabet, so A first with Z last (irrespective of case). Descending Dates are sorted most recent first with oldest last. Numbers are sorted highest first with lowest last. Same rules for the alphabet, so Z first with A last (irrespective of case). |
Special consideration should be given for the following performance intensive endpoints.
Endpoint | Notes |
Create Assessment | We recommend parallelising create assessment calls to no more than 5 at a time to ensure successful synchronous response in under 5 seconds. The service will scale to meet larger demand, however new requests can take up to 25 seconds to respond as the platform scales. |
We operate three endpoints for the API, each with static IP addresses.
Using the global URI will allow you to access platform endpoints that have their data synced globally. Your request will be routed to the nearest available region based on latency.
/echosolv endpoints cannot be accessed on the global server, owing to data jurisdiction controls .
API Server URI | Platform data /core endpoints |
EchoSolv data /echosolv endpoints |
Static IP Addresses |
---|---|---|---| | Synced globally | Not available | |
Using a regional URI will guarantee which location you are accessing. Regional servers will still allow you to access platform services that have their data synced globally.
/echosolv endpoints can only be accessed on regional servers, however you must ensure you are calling the correct region for the organisation you are trying to access.
API Server URI | Region | Platform data /core endpoints |
EchoSolv data /echosolv endpoints |
Static IP Addresses |
---|---|---|---|---| | United States | Synced globally | Locked to region | | | Australia | Synced globally | Locked to region | |
Use this service to submit details for an echo study, and perform an EchoSolv assessment.
Please refer to important information about EchoSolv allowed, calculated and required measurements.
Assessment created
Request invalid
Service error
{- "schema_version": 1,
- "patient_details": {
- "patient_id": "PAT1234",
- "patient_name": "Jane Smith",
- "patient_gender": "F",
- "patient_date_of_birth": "1970-08-15"
}, - "study_details": {
- "referrer": "Dr Luther Prohaska",
- "referrer_id": "REF12",
- "reader": "Dr Reader Hegmann,",
- "reader_id": "DP12",
- "age_recorded_at_echo": "65",
- "study_time": "2022-08-10T01:01:01.000Z",
- "site_id": "Lab 45",
- "sonographer": "Dr Tricia Stokes",
- "sonographer_id": "REF12",
- "study_id": "S23334"
}, - "measurements": {
- "aorta_at_sinotubular_junction_diameter": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "aorta_at_sinuses_diameter": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "aortic_arch_diameter": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "aortic_root_diameter": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "aortic_root_diameter_m_mode": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "aortic_regurgitation_pressure_half_time": {
- "value": 50,
- "unit": "ms"
}, - "ascending_aorta_diameter": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "aortic_valve_mean_gradient": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "aortic_valve_mean_velocity": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "aortic_valve_peak_gradient": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "aortic_valve_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 50,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "aortic_valve_velocity_ejection_time": {
- "value": 100,
- "unit": "ms"
}, - "aortic_valve_velocity_time_integral": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "aortic_valve_area": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm2"
}, - "body_height": {
- "value": 100,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "body_mass_index_calculated": {
- "value": 15,
- "unit": "kg/m2"
}, - "body_surface_area": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "m2"
}, - "body_weight": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "kg"
}, - "right_ventricular_systolic_pressure": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "heart_rate": {
- "value": 30,
- "unit": "bpm"
}, - "isovolumic_relaxation_time": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "ms"
}, - "ivc_diameter_expiration": {
- "value": 0.2,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "ivs_diastolic_thickness": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "ivs_diastolic_thickness_m_mode": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "ivc_diameter_inspiration": {
- "value": 0.2,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "ivs_systolic_thickness_m_mode": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "ivs_to_pw_ratio": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": ""
}, - "left_atrial_ao_ratio": {
- "value": 0.2,
- "unit": ""
}, - "left_atrial_ao_ratio_m_mode": {
- "value": 0.2,
- "unit": ""
}, - "left_atrial_area_4_chamber_view": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "mm2"
}, - "left_atrial_area_2_chamber_view": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm2"
}, - "left_atrial_length_4_chamber_view": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_atrial_systolic_diameter_parasternal_long_axis": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_atrial_systolic_diameter_m_mode": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_atrial_volume": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_atrial_volume_index": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "ml/m2"
}, - "left_ventricular_diastolic_volume_teichholz_method": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_diastolic_volume_teichholz_method_m_mode": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_diastolic_area_method_of_discs_4_chamber_method": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm2"
}, - "left_ventricular_diastolic_area_psax_for_lv_mass_assessment": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm2"
}, - "left_ventricular_diastolic_diameter_m_mode": {
- "value": 1.5,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_diastolic_diameter_parasternal_long_axis": {
- "value": 1.5,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_diastolic_length_2_chamber": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_diastolic_length_4_chamber": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_diastolic_volume_4_chamber_area_length_method": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_diastolic_volume_method_of_discs_2_chamber_method": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "ml"
}, - "left_ventricular_diastolic_volume_method_of_discs_4_chamber_method": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "ml"
}, - "left_ventricular_diastolic_volume_method_of_discs_biplane_method": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_ejection_fraction_teichholz_method": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "%"
}, - "left_ventricular_ejection_fraction_teichholz_method_m_mode": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "%"
}, - "left_ventricular_ejection_fraction_biplane_method_of_discs_method": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "%"
}, - "left_ventricular_ejection_fraction_hierarchy": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "%"
}, - "left_ventricular_fractional_shortening_m_mode": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": ""
}, - "left_ventricular_fractional_shortening_plax": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": ""
}, - "left_ventricular_lateral_e_prime_velocity": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "left_ventricular_mass_ase_method": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "g"
}, - "left_ventricular_mass_ase_method_index": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "g/m2"
}, - "left_ventricular_mass_area_length_method": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "g"
}, - "left_ventricular_mass_index_area_length_method": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "g/m2"
}, - "left_ventricular_mass_index_m_mode": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "g/m2"
}, - "left_ventricular_mass_m_mode": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "g"
}, - "medial_mitral_annular_tissue_doppler_e_to_e_prime_ratio": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": ""
}, - "lateral_mitral_annular_tissue_doppler_e_to_e_prime_ratio": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": ""
}, - "left_ventricular_relative_wall_thickness": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": ""
}, - "medial_mitral_annular_e_prime_velocity": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "left_ventricular_stroke_volume_teichholz_method": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_stroke_volume_teichholz_method_m_mode": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_stroke_volume_method_of_discs_2_chamber_method": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_stroke_volume_method_of_discs_4_chamber_method": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_stroke_volume_method_of_discs_biplane_method": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_volume_teichholz_method": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_volume_teichholz_method_m_mode": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_area_4_chamber": {
- "value": 3,
- "unit": "mm2"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_diameter_m_mode": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_diameter_base_parasternal_long_axis": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_length_2_chamber": {
- "value": 3,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_length_4_chamber": {
- "value": 3,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_volume_4_chamber_area_length_method": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_volume_method_of_discs_2_chamber_method": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "ml"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_volume_method_of_discs_4_chamber_method": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "ml"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_volume_biplane_method_of_discs_method": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_outflow_tract_diameter": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_outflow_tract_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "left_ventricular_outflow_tract_stroke_volume": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_outflow_tract_velocity_time_integral": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_posterior_wall_diastolic_thickness": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_posterior_wall_diastolic_thickness_m_mode": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "main_pulmonary_artery_diameter": {
- "value": 0.5,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "mitral_a_wave_duration": {
- "value": 30,
- "unit": "ms"
}, - "mitral_a_wave_velocity": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "mitral_e_wave_velocity": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "mitral_e_to_a_ratio": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": ""
}, - "mitral_regurgitation_flow_convergence_radius": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "mitral_valve_regurgitant_volume": {
- "value": 0.01,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "mitral_valve_regurgitant_fraction": {
- "value": 0.01,
- "unit": "%"
}, - "mitral_regurgitation_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 50,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "mitral_regurgitation_velocity_time_integral": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "mitral_regurgitation_aliasing_velocity": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "mitral_regurgitation_effective_regurgitant_orifice_area_pisa": {
- "value": 0.01,
- "unit": "mm2"
}, - "mitral_valve_area_pressure_half_time": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm2"
}, - "mitral_valve_deceleration_time": {
- "value": 50,
- "unit": "ms"
}, - "mitral_valve_mean_gradient": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "mitral_valve_mean_velocity": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "mitral_valve_peak_gradient": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "mitral_valve_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "mitral_valve_pressure_half_time": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "ms"
}, - "mitral_valve_velocity_time_integral": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "planimetered_mitral_valve_area": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm2"
}, - "pulmonary_regurgitation_diastolic_velocity": {
- "value": 30,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "pulmonary_regurgitation_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "pulmonary_acceleration_time": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "ms"
}, - "pulmonary_vein_a_duration": {
- "value": 30,
- "unit": "ms"
}, - "pulmonary_vein_a_wave_reversal_velocity": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "pulmonary_vein_diastolic_velocity": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "pulmonary_vein_s_d_ratio": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": ""
}, - "pulmonary_vein_systolic_velocity": {
- "value": 0.5,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "pulmonary_valve_mean_gradient": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "pulmonary_valve_mean_velocity": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "pulmonary_valve_peak_gradient": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "pulmonary_valve_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "pulmonary_valve_velocity_time_integral": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "right_atrial_area": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm2"
}, - "right_atrial_pressure": {
- "value": 30,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "right_atrial_volume": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "ml"
}, - "right_atrial_volume_index": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "ml/m2"
}, - "right_ventricular_diastolic_basal_diameter": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "right_ventricular_outflow_tract_mean_velocity": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "right_ventricular_outflow_tract_peak_gradient": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "right_ventricular_outflow_tract_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "right_ventricular_outflow_tract_velocity_time_integral": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "stroke_volume_index": {
- "value": 2,
- "unit": "ml/m2"
}, - "systolic_blood_pressure": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "thoracic_aorta_diameter": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "tricuspid_regurgitation_peak_gradient": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "tricuspid_regurgitation_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 50,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "tricuspid_valve_diastolic_doppler_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 50,
- "unit": "mm/s"
{- "schema_version": 1,
- "assessment_id": "540688ba-79ff-4a80-8c3e-b347c2dc8615",
- "assessment_time_utc": "2022-08-10T01:01:01.000Z",
- "created_at": "2022-08-15T04:09:19.728Z",
- "created_by": "2b009bf4-6427-41cb-9a03-eeff0e9c1991",
- "created_by_token": "00125fc8-f992-463c-baa9-b550aad0210e",
- "updated_at": "2022-08-15T04:09:19.728Z",
- "overall_status": "complete",
- "overall_risk": null,
- "errors_encountered": true,
- "validation_messages": [
- "aortic_valve_mean_gradient: aortic_valve_mean_gradient must be between 0.1 and 100 mmHg"
], - "errors": [
- "Failed to run"
], - "patient_details": {
- "patient_id": "PAT1234",
- "patient_name": "Jane Smith",
- "patient_gender": "F",
- "patient_date_of_birth": "1970-08-15"
}, - "study_details": {
- "referrer": "Dr Luther Prohaska",
- "referrer_id": "REF12",
- "reader": "Dr Reader Hegmann,",
- "reader_id": "DP12",
- "age_recorded_at_echo": "65",
- "study_time": "2022-08-10T01:01:01.000Z",
- "site_id": "Lab 45",
- "sonographer": "Dr Tricia Stokes",
- "sonographer_id": "REF12",
- "study_id": "S23334"
}, - "assessment_results": [
- {
- "phenotype": "as",
- "model_version": 2,
- "assessment_completion_time": "2022-08-10T01:01:01.000Z",
- "status": "complete",
- "errors_encountered": true,
- "error_id": "1653c9db-454b-4222-8265-4c7ca209f630",
- "recommendations": [
- "as-guidelines-not-met"
], - "probability": 1,
- "guidelines_met": false,
- "supplementary_data": {
- "as_guideline_warning": true
], - "measurements": {
- "aorta_at_sinotubular_junction_diameter": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "aorta_at_sinuses_diameter": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "aortic_arch_diameter": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "aortic_root_diameter": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "aortic_root_diameter_m_mode": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "aortic_regurgitation_pressure_half_time": {
- "value": 50,
- "unit": "ms"
}, - "ascending_aorta_diameter": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "aortic_valve_mean_gradient": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "aortic_valve_mean_velocity": {
- "value": 0.1,
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- "unit": "mm/s"
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- "value": 50,
- "unit": "mm/s"
List all information about a specific assessment
Please refer to important information about EchoSolv results interpretation.
Assessment Object
Not Found
Service error
{- "schema_version": 1,
- "assessment_id": "540688ba-79ff-4a80-8c3e-b347c2dc8615",
- "assessment_time_utc": "2022-08-10T01:01:01.000Z",
- "created_at": "2022-08-15T04:09:19.728Z",
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- "overall_status": "complete",
- "overall_risk": null,
- "errors_encountered": true,
- "validation_messages": [
- "aortic_valve_mean_gradient: aortic_valve_mean_gradient must be between 0.1 and 100 mmHg"
], - "errors": [
- "Failed to run"
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- "patient_id": "PAT1234",
- "patient_name": "Jane Smith",
- "patient_gender": "F",
- "patient_date_of_birth": "1970-08-15"
}, - "study_details": {
- "referrer": "Dr Luther Prohaska",
- "referrer_id": "REF12",
- "reader": "Dr Reader Hegmann,",
- "reader_id": "DP12",
- "age_recorded_at_echo": "65",
- "study_time": "2022-08-10T01:01:01.000Z",
- "site_id": "Lab 45",
- "sonographer": "Dr Tricia Stokes",
- "sonographer_id": "REF12",
- "study_id": "S23334"
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- "error_id": "1653c9db-454b-4222-8265-4c7ca209f630",
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- "as-guidelines-not-met"
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- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_stroke_volume_method_of_discs_4_chamber_method": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_stroke_volume_method_of_discs_biplane_method": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_volume_teichholz_method": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_volume_teichholz_method_m_mode": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_area_4_chamber": {
- "value": 3,
- "unit": "mm2"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_diameter_m_mode": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_diameter_base_parasternal_long_axis": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_length_2_chamber": {
- "value": 3,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_length_4_chamber": {
- "value": 3,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_volume_4_chamber_area_length_method": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_volume_method_of_discs_2_chamber_method": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "ml"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_volume_method_of_discs_4_chamber_method": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "ml"
}, - "left_ventricular_systolic_volume_biplane_method_of_discs_method": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_outflow_tract_diameter": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_outflow_tract_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "left_ventricular_outflow_tract_stroke_volume": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "left_ventricular_outflow_tract_velocity_time_integral": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_posterior_wall_diastolic_thickness": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "left_ventricular_posterior_wall_diastolic_thickness_m_mode": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "main_pulmonary_artery_diameter": {
- "value": 0.5,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "mitral_a_wave_duration": {
- "value": 30,
- "unit": "ms"
}, - "mitral_a_wave_velocity": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "mitral_e_wave_velocity": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "mitral_e_to_a_ratio": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": ""
}, - "mitral_regurgitation_flow_convergence_radius": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "mitral_valve_regurgitant_volume": {
- "value": 0.01,
- "unit": "mm3"
}, - "mitral_valve_regurgitant_fraction": {
- "value": 0.01,
- "unit": "%"
}, - "mitral_regurgitation_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 50,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "mitral_regurgitation_velocity_time_integral": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "mitral_regurgitation_aliasing_velocity": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "mitral_regurgitation_effective_regurgitant_orifice_area_pisa": {
- "value": 0.01,
- "unit": "mm2"
}, - "mitral_valve_area_pressure_half_time": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm2"
}, - "mitral_valve_deceleration_time": {
- "value": 50,
- "unit": "ms"
}, - "mitral_valve_mean_gradient": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "mitral_valve_mean_velocity": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "mitral_valve_peak_gradient": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "mitral_valve_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "mitral_valve_pressure_half_time": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "ms"
}, - "mitral_valve_velocity_time_integral": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "planimetered_mitral_valve_area": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm2"
}, - "pulmonary_regurgitation_diastolic_velocity": {
- "value": 30,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "pulmonary_regurgitation_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "pulmonary_acceleration_time": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "ms"
}, - "pulmonary_vein_a_duration": {
- "value": 30,
- "unit": "ms"
}, - "pulmonary_vein_a_wave_reversal_velocity": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "pulmonary_vein_diastolic_velocity": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "pulmonary_vein_s_d_ratio": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": ""
}, - "pulmonary_vein_systolic_velocity": {
- "value": 0.5,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "pulmonary_valve_mean_gradient": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "pulmonary_valve_mean_velocity": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "pulmonary_valve_peak_gradient": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "pulmonary_valve_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "pulmonary_valve_velocity_time_integral": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "right_atrial_area": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "mm2"
}, - "right_atrial_pressure": {
- "value": 30,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "right_atrial_volume": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "ml"
}, - "right_atrial_volume_index": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "ml/m2"
}, - "right_ventricular_diastolic_basal_diameter": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "right_ventricular_outflow_tract_mean_velocity": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "right_ventricular_outflow_tract_peak_gradient": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "right_ventricular_outflow_tract_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 20,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "right_ventricular_outflow_tract_velocity_time_integral": {
- "value": 5,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "stroke_volume_index": {
- "value": 2,
- "unit": "ml/m2"
}, - "systolic_blood_pressure": {
- "value": 1,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "thoracic_aorta_diameter": {
- "value": 0.1,
- "unit": "cm"
}, - "tricuspid_regurgitation_peak_gradient": {
- "value": 10,
- "unit": "mmHg"
}, - "tricuspid_regurgitation_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 50,
- "unit": "mm/s"
}, - "tricuspid_valve_diastolic_doppler_peak_velocity": {
- "value": 50,
- "unit": "mm/s"
Generates and downloads a PDF report for a single assessment. The PDF endpoint provides base64-encoded data, with additional details available in the 200 response.
PDF File
Request invalid
Service error
{- "message": "Missing required request parameters: [start, end]"
Generates and downloads a CSV extract with all details for a single assessment
CSV File
Request invalid
Service error
List assessments for a given time period
Paginated list of assessments
Request invalid
Service error
{- "page": 0,
- "pageSize": 25,
- "count": 150,
- "unfilteredCount": 257,
- "results": [
- {
- "assessment_id": "540688ba-79ff-4a80-8c3e-b347c2dc8615",
- "overall_status": "complete",
- "overall_risk": null,
- "patient_name": "Jane Smith",
- "patient_id": "PAT1234",
- "sonographer_id": "REF12",
- "sonographer": "Dr Tricia Stokes",
- "reader_id": "DP12",
- "reader": "Dr Reader Hegmann,",
- "study_time": "2022-08-10T01:01:01.000Z",
- "study_id": "S23334",
- "created_at": "2022-08-15T04:09:19.728Z"
List all assessments for a given patient id
List of assessments for the patient
Service error
[- {
- "assessment_id": "9f60a03f-b3de-4b19-9361-0380d9aa1e9e",
- "study_id": "STUDYX123",
- "study_time": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "overall_risk": 0
Generates and downloads a CSV extract of multiple assessments in a given time period
CSV File
Request invalid
Service error
Generates a CSV extraction request for multiple assessments within a specified time period. This endpoint returns a unique export ID, which can be used to check the status or download a completed export file.
Generate Export Request Created
Request invalid
Service error
{- "eid": "540688ba-79ff-4a80-8c3e-b347c2dc8615",
- "status": "complete",
- "uid": "714688ba-79ff-4a80-8c3e-dr77c2dc8615",
- "oid": "860688ba-79ff-4a80-gh3e-69x7c2dc8615",
- "createdAt": "2022-08-15T04:09:19.728Z"
Get summary statistics in a specified time period for the current organisation.
Note: Whilst individual assessments may not report AI probability while the capability is under regulatory review, this summary service still provides an aggregate view on AI detections.
Summary details
Request invalid
Service error
{- "start_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "total_patients": 10,
- "total_studies": 0,
- "summaries": [
- {
- "type": "as",
- "guidelines_severe_patients": 20,
- "ai_high_probability_patients": 15,
- "ai_medium_probability_patients": 10
}, - {
- "type": "mr",
- "guidelines_severe_patients": 30,
- "guidelines_progressive_patients": 25
}, - {
- "type": "dd",
- "guidelines_abnormal_lvef_grade_1_patients": 4,
- "guidelines_abnormal_lvef_grade_2_patients": 3,
- "guidelines_abnormal_lvef_grade_3_patients": 20,
- "guidelines_normal_lvef_patients": 4
}, - {
- "type": "hf",
- "guidelines_reduced_ejection_fraction_patients": 21,
- "guidelines_mildly_reduced_ejection_fraction_patients": 1,
- "guidelines_mildly_reduced_ejection_fraction_increased_lvfp_patients": 3,
- "guidelines_preserved_ejection_fraction_increased_lvfp_patients": 4
Checks if the Echo IQ Platform API endpoint is reachable. User does not need to be authenticated
Service is healthy
Service not available
Service error
The service is available and reachable
{- "serviceHealth": "alive"
Checks if the authorisation service is reachable and if the authentication details are valid. This service can also provide details about the current users authorisation context.
Service is healthy
Token invalid or service not available
Service error
{- "serviceHealth": "alive"
Checks if the EchoSolv API Endpoint is reachable
Service is healthy
Token invalid or service not available
Service error
{- "serviceHealth": "alive"
Checks if the assessment service is available
Service is healthy
Token invalid or service not available
Service error
{- "serviceHealth": "alive"
List all users in the organisation.
Role Restrictions:
Paginated list of organisation's users
Request invalid
Service error
{- "page": 0,
- "pageSize": 25,
- "count": 150,
- "unfilteredCount": 257,
- "results": [
- {
- "roles": [
- "org-admin"
], - "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": "INVITED",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "oid": "05b62bc6-7787-4e27-876b-2ac41c63b14b",
- "uid": "07cc67f4-45d6-494b-adac-09b5cbc7e2b5",
- "title": "Chief Medical Officer"
Invite a user to an organisation.
Role Restrictions:
Invited user details
Request invalid
Service error
{- "firstName": "Jane",
- "secondName": "Smith",
- "title": "Chief Medical Officer",
- "email": "",
- "roles": [
- "org-admin"
{- "roles": [
- "org-admin"
], - "title": "Chief Medical Officer",
- "status": "INVITED",
- "oid": "05b62bc6-7787-4e27-876b-2ac41c63b14b",
- "uid": "07cc67f4-45d6-494b-adac-09b5cbc7e2b5",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Get a specific user in the organisation.
Role Restrictions:
Organisation user details
Not Found
Service error
{- "roles": [
- "org-admin"
], - "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": "INVITED",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "oid": "05b62bc6-7787-4e27-876b-2ac41c63b14b",
- "uid": "07cc67f4-45d6-494b-adac-09b5cbc7e2b5",
- "title": "Chief Medical Officer"
Update an organisation users profile. e.g. to change roles.
Role Restrictions:
Updated organisation details
Request invalid
Not Found
Service error
{- "roles": [
- "org-admin"
], - "title": "Chief Medical Officer"
{- "roles": [
- "org-admin"
], - "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": "INVITED",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "oid": "05b62bc6-7787-4e27-876b-2ac41c63b14b",
- "uid": "07cc67f4-45d6-494b-adac-09b5cbc7e2b5",
- "title": "Chief Medical Officer"
Removes a user from an organisation. Sets org-user-profile status to REMOVED
Role Restrictions:
Organisation user details
Not Found
Service error
{- "roles": [
- "org-admin"
], - "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": "REMOVED",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "oid": "05b62bc6-7787-4e27-876b-2ac41c63b14b",
- "uid": "07cc67f4-45d6-494b-adac-09b5cbc7e2b5",
- "title": "Chief Medical Officer"
Retrieves all role definitions
Role Restrictions:
Role definitions
Service error
[- {
- "name": "string",
- "global": true,
- "user": true,
- "products": [
- "string"
], - "title": "string",
- "description": "string"
Request export download using eid. Export download checks are restricted to the user (uid), if captured. In case of using organization access token, it is restricted by organization(oid) that made the request. Returns 202 response code if export is being processed
Status of requested export
Requested Export is being processed
Not Found
Service error
Get exports associated with a user.
Get all exports requested by a user
Service error
{- "count": 19,
- "unfilteredCount": 19,
- "page": 0,
- "pageSize": 25,
- "results": [
- {
- "type": "userLogs",
- "fileType": "csv",
- "eid": "b3d063b5-bb50-490b-85fb-c688e8fa4528",
- "uid": "229a75ba-cafb-452b-aaff-0b1cd6219c96",
- "oid": "69788bca-235b-48e0-acb3-80259c1b4d2d",
- "orgName": "DemoClinic",
- "expiryDate": "2024-11-14T07:23:42.000Z",
- "status": "complete",
- "region": "ohio",
- "createdAt": "2024-11-07T07:23:42.588Z",
- "completedAt": "2024-11-07T07:31:37.230Z"